The 3 Best Apps for Long-Distance Relationships: Stay Connected, No Matter the Distance
How can I deal with a partner who has commitment issues?
Answer from our relationship expert:
1) Communicate openly about your needs and concerns. 2) Understand the root of their commitment issues. 3) Set clear boundaries and expectations. 4) Give them space when needed. 5) Focus on building trust gradually. 6) Avoid pressuring or ultimatums. 7) Work on your own self-confidence. 8) Encourage professional help if needed. 9) Celebrate small steps towards commitment. 10) Decide if their level of commitment aligns with your needs.
"Commitment is an act, not a word." - Jean-Paul Sartre
Guidance & steps forward:
Be patient but also true to your own needs. Recognize that you can't force someone to commit. Focus on creating a safe and secure relationship environment. Consider your own attachment style and how it interacts with theirs.